Wednesday, July 9, 2008

How Dare He

By Chet Richards

July 4, 2008

A prominent politician recently proclaimed that he would make America great. Which America is he talking about? Is it the America which gave the world:

A refuge and home for multitudes fleeing from tyranny...
Bounteous wealth for all who would work for it...
Peace and security despite a world filled with terror...
Ideals of justice for all...
Freedom from religious persecution...
Freedom of religion...
Freedom of speech...
Freedom for people be secure in their persons...
Freedom for people to be secure in possessions...
The absolute right of self defense...
The right, and power, to succeed or fail on your own...
The people¢s ultimate power over government...
Democracy for all citizens...
Color blindness...
Racial blindness...
Class blindness...
Wealth blindness...
The notion that who you are is vastly more important than where you came from...
The first written Constitution...
The first written Bill of Rights...
The worlds oldest and most stable Democracy...

Or, is he referring to the America which gave the world:

Electric lighting...
Steamboats and steamships...
The transcontinental railroad...
Sheet glass...
The telephone...
Motion pictures...
Sound recording...
Data recording...
Instantaneous transoceanic communication...
The Vacuum Tube...
The Transistor...
The Integrated Circuit...
The Internet...
Search engines...
Cell phones...
The airplane...
Supersonic flight
The modern rocket...
The Moon...
Intercontinental air passenger travel...
Nuclear energy...
Genome decoding...
The first giant telescopes - on Earth and in Space...
Telecommunications satellites and direct broadcast T.V. ...
The Global Positioning System...
The Laser...
Fiber optics communications...
The Electron Microscope...
Elementary particle accelerators...
The Standard Theory of Elementary Particles...
String Theory...
Communications theory...
Servo control theory...
Mass produced automobiles and the freedom to travel...

How about the America which gave the world:

Rock and Roll...
The Broadway Musical...
A treasure chest of great songs...
Great classical music...
Great film scores...
Modern Dance...
The greatest motion pictures...
Great poetry...
Great literature...
Great art...

Is he talking about the America which is the true cultural and political magnet for the entire world?

Is he talking about the America which bled itself to:

Abolish slavery...
Save Western Civilization - four times by my count...

Or, is he talking about the America which, from its inception, has placed the liberty of the individual first, last and always?

Who is this politician who claims he will make America great? How dare he?

I've tried to find a link to think but have been unable, if someone can provide a link I would like to link back to the original - THANKS! Monty

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